
How Aviva is helping protect the planet

Sustainable Suppliers

Aviva invites suppliers to join the UN Global Compact Network UK's free Sustainable Suppliers Training Programme


  • Free online training on corporate sustainability.
  • Learn to meet large companies' sustainability standards.
  • Integrate sustainability into your business strategy.
  • Align with global sustainability requirements.



  • Four modules with live and on-demand content.
  • Certificate upon completion.
  • March to August 2025.
  • Available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
  • Registration is now closed but if you have any questions about this programme, please email us at

Our ambition

We have announced our plans to become a Net Zero company by 2040.

We are looking to work with organisations who have a shared ambition to reduce our environmental impact globally, and particularly those who have demonstrated this commitment through external benchmarks such as Science Based Targets.  

Our key suppliers are required to make their own public commitments to Net Zero targets by November 2025.

Aviva Sustainable Procurement Statement

What are we doing?

Set Targets – we have set supply chain targets towards achieving Net Zero, including Science-Based Targets

Tracking and measuring – we are tracking and measuring our progress towards achieving our Science Based Targets  

Training our buyers - annually, we are upskilling our buyers to equip them with the knowledge required to engage their suppliers on sustainability  

Changing our contracts - we are embedding ESG focused contract clauses into all our contracts

RFP questions - we have included ESG and carbon questions in all our RFP and RFI processes and considered the outcomes when making purchasing decisions

Onboarding questions - we have included ESG and carbon questions into all supplier onboarding processes  

Supplier engagement activities – hosting in‑person supplier events to engage our suppliers on our Net Zero agenda and provide opportunities for education and collaboration  

Supplier Guidance Packs

The guides below provide Aviva suppliers with details of our Aviva Sustainability Ambition and associated operation and supply chain net zero targets.

It shows what you can do to align to our supplier requirements and the steps you can take to join Aviva in our climate journey.

2024 Net Zero Supplier Summit

On 26 November 2024, we held our third Net Zero Supplier Summit to engage our suppliers on achieving Net Zero and accelerate action.

The day was well attended with circa 190 attendees, and representatives from over 80 of our supply chain partners.

Here you can access recordings of various parts of the day.

Helen Smith, Aviva - Opening

Chris Boyle, Aviva - Aviva Supply Chain Emissions Update

Jonathan Wilkins, UK Mail - Supplier Decarbonisation Case Study

Leah Ramoutar, Aviva - Nature and Biodiverstiy

Gabi Silver, Aviva - Overview of the Science-Based Targets Initiative

Stuart Wright, Aviva - Aviva's Operating Emissions

Michael Gowen, Celerity - Supplier Net Zero Target Setting Case Study

Supplier Panel Discussion - Accelerating Decarbonisation

Henrietta Stock & Stan Smith, Wildlife Trust - Carbon Sequestration Showcase

Chris Boyle, Aviva - What's Next for Aviva's Suppliers

Jargon Buster 

Carbon Neutral – Any CO2 released into the atmosphere is balanced by an equivalent amount being removed 

CO2e – CO2 equivalent. CO2e signifies the amount of CO2 that would have an equivalent global warming impact. 

EcoVadis -  an organisation that will assess a company’s sustainability credentials and provide areas for improvement

ESG – Environmental, Social and Governance

GHG – Greenhouse Gas – a gas that absorbs and emits. The most prominent greenhouse gases that are driving climate change are: Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Oxide (N2O)

Net Zero – Reducing carbon emissions to as close to zero as possible, and offsetting any residual carbon 

Offsetting – Reducing emissions of CO2 or other greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere.  

SBTi – Science Based Targets Initiative – a collaboration between UN Global Compact, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), World Resource Institute (WRI) and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). An organisation that sets frameworks for companies’ emissions reductions goals in line with climate science. The initiative translates global goals into sector pathways and provides detailed guidance on the levels of reductions required. Companies can apply to have their near-term and long-term emissions reductions goals approved by the initiative

Sequestration – Carbon Sequestration is the process by which atmospheric carbon dioxide is captured and then stored long-term. 

Sustainability – Meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs, whilst ensuring a balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being. 

Want to ask a question about sustainability?

Please email us at